A | Library file (Unix) |
A | Object code library |
A3L | Authorware 3.x library |
A3M | Authorware MacIntosh file (unpackaged) |
A3W | Authorware Windows file (unpackaged) |
A4L | Authorware 4.x library |
A4M | Authorware MacIntosh file (unpackaged) |
A4P | Authorware file (packaged without runtime) |
A5L | Authorware 5.x library |
A5W | Authorware Windows file (unpackaged) |
AA | Audible audio file (commonly used for downloadable audio books) |
AAM | Authorware shocked file |
AAS | Authorware shocked packet |
AB | Applix Builder file |
ABF | Adobe Binary Screen Font |
ABK | Corel Draw AutoBackup |
ABK | Backup file (PrintMaster Gold) |
ABM | Audio album file (HitPlayer) |
ABO | Applix Builder Turbo file |
ABP | Barcode profile file in Alver Valley Software's AVS Barcode Source |
ABS | Standard GNU compiler output file for a PC platform |
ABS | Sometimes used to denote an abstract (as in an abstract or summary of a scientific paper) AutoBackup |
ABS | Absolute Database file format |
AC$ | AutoCAD Undo Info file |
AC3 | Dolby Digital audio files used on DVDs |
ACA | HTTP animation file (Microsoft Agent) |
ACA | Project Manager Workbench file |
ACB | ACBM Graphic image |
ACC | DR-DOS Viewmax file |
ACD | Sonic Foundry ACID file |
ACE | ACE Archiver Compression file |
ACF | HTTP character file (Microsoft Agent) |
ACI | ACI development appraisal (ACIWEB) |
ACL | Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator file |
ACL | List file for Microsoft Office |
ACM | Interplay compressed sound file (Fallout 1,2, Baulder's Gate) |
ACM | Dynamic Link Library (DLL) |
ACM | Windows system directory file |
ACP | Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file |
ACR | American College of Radiology file |
ACS | Character structured storage file (Microsoft Agent) |
ACT | FoxPro Foxdoc Action Diagram |
ACT | Action Presentation |
ACT | Microsoft Office Assistant Actor file |
ACV | Used to Compress and decompress audio data |
AD | After Dark screensaver |
Ada | Ada source text file (non-GNAT) |
ADB | HP 100LX Organizer Appointment database |
ADB | Ada source text body file (GNAT) |
ADB | Ability Database file |
ADC | Scanstudio 16 color Bitmap Graphic file |
ADD | OS/2 adapter driver file used in the boot process |
ADF | Amiga disk file |
ADI | AutoCAD device-independent binary plotter file |
ADL | QEMM Mca adaptor description library |
ADM | Windows NT policy template |
ADM | After Dark MultiModule screensaver (Microsoft) |
ADN | Lotus 1-2-3 Add-In file |
ADP | FaxWorks Faxmodem setup file |
ADP | Astound Dynamite file |
ADP | Microsoft Access project file |
ADR | Smart Address address book |
ADR | After Dark Randomizer screensaver |
ADS | Ada source text specification file (GNAT) |
ADT | AdTech Fax file |
ADT | ACT! document template file |
ADX | Lotus Approach dBase Index |
ADX | Archetype Designer Document |
ADX | Dynazip Active Delivery script |
ADZ | Packed ADF file (Extracts with WinZip) |
AE | Author/Editor file (SoftQuad) |
AEP | ArcExplorer project file |
AF2 | ABC FlowCharter 2.0 Flowchart |
AF3 | ABC Flowchart |
AFC | Apple Sound file |
AFI | Truevision Bitmap graphic |
AFM | HP NewWave Cardfile application |
AFM | Adobe metrics |
AG | Applix graphic |
AI | Corel Trace drawing |
AI | Adobe Illustrator drawing |
AIF | Audio Interchange File, a sound format used by Silicon Graphics and Macintosh applications |
AIFC | Similar to AIF (compressed) |
AIFF | Similar to AIF |
AIM | AOL Instant Messenger Launch file |
AIN | AIN Compressed archive |
AIO | APL Input Output |
AIS | Velvet Studio Instruments file |
AIS | Xerox Arry of Intensity Samples Graphic |
AIS | ACDSee Image Sequence |
AIX | HP NewWave Cardfile Application data |
AKB | HaleyAuthority Authority Knowledge Base File |
AKW | Contains all A-keywords in the RoboHELP Help Project Index Designer not associated with topics |
ALAW | European Telephony audio |
ALB | JASC Image Commander album |
ALI | Document file (SAP proprietary format) |
ALIAS | Alias Image |
ALL | WordPerfect for Windows General printer information file |
ALL | Arts & Letters Library |
ALS | Alias Image |
ALT | WordPerfect Library Menu |
AM | Applix SHELF Macro |
AM | Advantage database server data dictionary files |
AMF | DSMIA/Asylum module music (Crusader,No Remorse,Aladdin) |
AMF | Music file (Advanced Module Format) |
AMG | ACTOR System image |
AMG | AMGC Compressed Archive File |
AMI | Annotation file (Cocreate SolidDesigner) |
AMR | Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File |
AMS | Extreme's Tracker Module |
AMS | Velvet Studio music module (MOD) File |
AMU | Sony Photo Album |
AN | Text file (Sterling Software) (Groundworks COOL Business Team Model) |
AN | Groundworks text file |
ANC | Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable list of pattern colors |
ANI | Microsoft Windows Animated cursor |
ANM | DeluxPaint Animation |
ANN | Windows 3.x Help annotation |
ANS | ANSI Text file |
ANT | SimAnt for Windows saved game |
ANT | Data file for SFR Calculator (formerly CalcANT) |
AOM | Adobe Download Manager Online Manager Shortcut |
AOM | Adobe After Effects Output Settings |
AOS | Nokia 9000 Add-on software |
AOT | Applicatio binary object template file (ZenWorks snAPPshot) |
AP | WHAP Compressed Amiga archive |
AP | Applix Presents file |
APC | Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver |
APC | Compiled application file (Centura Team Developer) |
APD | Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver |
APD | Dynamic application library file (Centura Team Developer) |
APE | Winamp Plugins AVS File |
APE | Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio Compression Format |
APF | Project file (Allaire) (Created by Homesite) |
APF | Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver |
API | Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver |
API | Adobe Acrobat plugin file |
APL | APL Workspace file |
APL | Application library file (Centura Team Developer) |
APP | Symphony Add-in Application |
APP | Generated application or active document (Microsoft Visual FoxPro) |
APP | dBase Application Generator Object |
APP | DR-DOS Executable Application |
APP | Normal mode application file (Centura Team Developer) |
APR | Employee Appraiser Performance Review file |
APR | Lotus Approach 97 View file |
APR | ArcView project file |
APS | Advanced patching systems with error checking, (Similar to IPS) |
APS | Microsoft Visual C++ file |
APT | Text mode application file (Centura Team Developer) |
APT | Lotus Approach Data view file |
APX | Borland C++ Appexpert database |
APX | Lotus Approach Paradox-Specific information file |
AQ | Applix data |
ARC | SQUASH Compressed archive |
ARC | LH ARC (old version) compressed archive |
ARF | Automatic Response file |
ARF | Advanced Recording File (WebEx) |
ARI | Aristotle audio file |
ARI | ARI Compressed archive |
ARJ | Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive (ARJ) |
ARK | ARC File Archiver CPM/Port archive |
ARL | AOL v4.0 organizer file |
ARR | Atari Cubase Arrangement |
ART | Canon Crayola art |
ART | Clip Art |
ART | Ray Tracer file |
ART | First Publisher Raster graphic |
ART | AOL Image file compressed using the Johson-Grace compression algorithm |
ART | Xara Studio drawing |
ARX | AutoCAD Runtime Extension |
ARX | ARX Compressed Archive |
AS | Applix Spreadsheet |
ASA | Microsoft Visual InterDev file |
ASC | PGP armored encrypted file |
ASC | ASCII text file |
ASD | Lotus 1-2-3 Screen driver |
ASD | Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) description file; opens with NSREX |
ASD | Astound Presentation |
ASD | WinWord AutoSave file |
ASE | Velvet Studio Sample file |
ASF | Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format |
ASF | StratGraphics Datafile |
ASF | Lotus 1-2-3 Screen font |
ASF | Music file (Electronic Arts) |
ASH | TASM 3.0 Assembly language header |
ASI | Borland C++/Turbo C Assembler Include file |
ASM | Pro/E assembly file |
ASM | Assembler Language source file |
ASO | Astound Dynamite Object |
ASP | Procomm Plus setup and connection script |
ASP | Astound Presentation |
ASP | Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a Microsoft server-processed script) |
ASRTC | AurelloSoft Removal Tool Configuration File |
AST | Claris Works "assistant" file |
AST | Astound multimedia file |
ASV | DataCAD Autosave file |
ASX | Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector file |
ASX | Video file |
ASX | Cheyenne Backup script |
AT2 | Aldus Persuasion 2.0 Auto Template |
ATM | Adobe Type Manager data/info file |
ATT | AT&T Group 4 bitmap |
ATT | Data file commonly used with Web forms |
ATW | AnyTime Deluxe for Windows personal information manager file from Individual Software MultiModule screensaver |
AU | Audio U-law (pronounced mu-law) |
AU | Sun/NeXT/DEC/UNIX sound file |
AUD | Audio file (Westwood Studios) (Kyrandia 3,C&C,RedAlert,C&C:TS) |
AUP | Audacity project file |
AUX | ChiWriter Auxilliary Dictionary file |
AUX | TeX/LaTeX Auxilliary Reference file |
AVA | Avagio Publication |
AVB | Inculan Anti-Virus virus infected file |
AVG | AVG Virus Information Database |
AVI | Microsoft Audio Video Interleaved file for Windows movie |
AVR | Audio Visual Research file |
AVS | Stardent AVS-X Image |
AVS | Application Visualization System file |
AVX | File Extension (ArcView) |
AW | Applix Words file |
AW | HP AdvanceWrite Text file |
AWD | FaxView Document image |
AWE | Acrobat Bookmark XML File |
AWK | AWK Script/Program |
AWM | Animation Works Movie |
AWR | Telsis file for digitally stored audio |
AWS | StatGraphics Data file |
AXL | ArcIMS XML project file |
AXT | ASCII application object template (ZenWorks snAPPshot) |
AXX | ARJ compressed file from a multi-volume archive (xx = a number from 01 to 99) |
IAM | Autodesk Inventor assembly file
| |
B | BASIC language source file |
B_W | Atari/Macintosh black and white graphic |
B&W | 1st Reader Mono binary screen image |
B&W | Atari/Macintosh black and white graphic |
B1 | Open source backup and archive file format |
B1N | 1st Reader Mono and color binary screen image |
B30 | ABC Ventura publisher printer font |
B4 | Helix Nuts and Bolts file |
B8 | Raw graphic file (Piclab Plane II) |
BAD | Oracle bad file |
BAK | Backup file |
BAL | Ballade Music score |
BAND | Garageband Project song |
BAR | dBase Application Generator Horizontal menu object |
BAR | Game data file used with Age of Mythology and Age of Empires 3 |
BAS | BASIC source code |
BAT | Batch file |
BB | Papyrus Database backup |
BBL | TeX/BibTeX Bibliographic reference file |
BBM | Deluxe Paint Bitmap image |
BBS | Bulletin Board Sytem text |
BCH | Datalex Entry Point 90 Data file |
BCH | Batch Process Object (dBase Application Generator) |
BCM | Microsoft Works Communications file |
BCO | Bitstream Outline font description file |
BCP | Borland C++ Makefile |
BCW | Borland C++ 4.5 Environment settings file |
BDB | Microsoft Works Dababase file |
BDF | Egret Datafile |
BDF | West Point Bridge Designer file |
BDF | Adobe font file |
BDR | Microsoft Publisher Border |
BEZ | Bitstream Outline font description |
BF2 | Bradford 2 Font |
BFC | Windows 95 Briefcase Document |
BFM | Font Metrics file (Unix/Mainframe) |
BFX | Fax document file (BitFax) |
BG | Microsoft Backgammon Game file |
BGA | OS/2 Graphic array |
BGI | Borland Graphics Interface Driver |
BGL | Microsoft Flight Simulator Scenery file |
BHF | pcAnywhere Host file |
BI | Binary file |
BIB | TeX/BibTeX Literature Database |
BIB | Database |
BIB | Bibliography file (ASCII) |
BIF | Image Capture Board Binary Image black & white graphic |
BIF | GroupWise initialization file |
BIF | Boot information file |
BIFF | XLITE 3D file |
BIG | Electronic Arts Game MOD File |
BIN | Binary file |
BIO | OS/2 Bios file |
BIT | X11 Bitmap |
BIT | Imported map file used by Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party |
BK | JetFax Faxbook file |
BK | Backup file (Generic) |
BK! | WordPerfect for Windows Document backup |
BK$ | Backup file (Generic) |
BK1 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 1 |
BK2 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 2 |
BK3 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 3 |
BK4 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 4 |
BK5 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 5 |
BK6 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 6 |
BK7 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 7 |
BK8 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 8 |
BK9 | WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 9 |
BKP | TurboVidion Dialog Designer Backup |
BKS | Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Backup |
BKS | IBM BookManager Read bookshelf file |
BKW | FontEdit Fontset mirror image
| | |
1 - 249 of 272 terms | | << Previous 1 2 Next >> |
C | Site configuration for Secure Remote (CheckPoint VPN) |
C | C code |
C-- | Sphinx C-- Source code |
C00 | Ventura Publisher Print file |
C01 | Typhoon wave |
C86 | Computer Innovation (C86) Source code |
CA | Telnet Server Initial cache data file |
CAB | Microsoft cabinet file (program files compressed for software distribution) |
CAC | dBase IV Executable file |
CACHE | Shared Cache file |
CAD | AutoCAD drawing database file |
CAG | Catalog file (Microsoft Clip Gallery v. 2.x,3.x,4.x) |
CAL | SuperCalc 4/5 Spreadsheet |
CAL | Calendar schedule data file |
CAL | CALS Compressed Bitmap |
CAM | Casio camera file |
CAN | Navigator Fax |
CAP | Compressed music file |
CAP | Telix Session Capture file |
CAP | Ventura Publisher Caption |
CAR | AtHome assistant file |
CAS | Comma-delimited ASCII file |
CAS | read-only memory (ROM) file from an Atari Cassette |
CAT | dBase Catalogue file |
CAT | Quicken IntelliCharge categorization file |
CAT | Catalog file format for Advanced Disk Catalog |
CB | Microsoft clean boot file |
CBC | CubiCalc Fuzzy Logic System file |
CBF | Vietcong (game) Pterodon big file |
CBI | Column binary file (used in IBM mainframe systems) |
CBL | Cobol Source code |
CBM | XLib Compiled Bitmap |
CBR | Comic book or paperback RAR file (decompress with RAR utility) |
CBT | Generic Computer based training file |
CBZ | Comic book or paperback ZIP file (decompress with WinZip or similar program) |
CC | C++ Source code |
CC | Visual dBASE custom class file |
CC3 | Close Combat 3 file |
CCA | cc:mail archive file |
CCB | Visual Basic Animated Button configuration file |
CCC | Curtain Call Native bitmap graphic |
CCD | Elaborate Bytes Clone CD mapfile for creating and reading .img files |
CCE | Data file (Calendar Creator Plus) |
CCF | Symphony Communications Configuration file |
CCF | Multimedia Viewer configuration file used in OS/2 |
CCH | Corel Chart |
CCL | Intalk Communication Command Language |
CCM | Lotus CC:Mail "box" file (for example, INBOX.CCM) |
CCO | XBTX Graphics |
CCO | CyberChat data file |
CCT | Macromedia Director Shockwave cast file |
CDA | CD Audio Track |
CDB | CardScan Database (CardScan) |
CDB | TCU Turbo C Utilities Main database |
CDB | Conceptual model backup file (PowerDesigner) |
CDB | Clipboard file |
CDF | Netcdf Graphic file |
CDF | Microsoft Channel Definition Format |
CDFS | Compact Disk filing system |
CDI | Phillips Compact Disk Interactive file |
CDK | Atari Calamus Document |
CDM | Visual dBASE custom data module |
CDM | Conceptual data model file (PowerDesigner Data Architect) (Sybase) |
CDM | Conceptual model file (PowerDesigner) |
CDR | Raw Audio-CD data file |
CDR | Corel Vector Graphic Drawing File |
CDR | Corel Draw Vector drawing file |
CDT | CorelDraw Data file |
CDT | Corel Draw template |
CDX | Microsoft's Visual Foxpro index |
CDX | Corel Draw compressed drawing |
CE | The FarSide Computer Calendar Main CE file |
CEF | Cruzer encrypted file (used to secure files on Cruzer USB flash drives) |
CEG | Tempra Show Bitmap graphic |
CEL | AutoDesk Animator Cel Image |
CEL | CIMFast Event Language file |
CER | Certificate file (MIME x-x509-ca-cert) |
CEX | Caddie Exchange file |
CF | Imake Configurtion file |
CFB | Comptons Multimedia file |
CFG | Configuration file |
CFL | CorelFLOW Chart |
CFM | Visual dBASE Windows customer form |
CFM | Corel FontMaster file |
CFM | Creative FM-Music |
CFM | ColdFusion template |
CFN | Atari Calamus Font data file |
CFO | TCU Turbo C Utilities C form object |
CFP | The Complete Fax Portable fax file |
CGA | Ventura Publisher Display font file |
CGI | Common gateway interface script |
CGM | Computer Graphic Metafile |
CH | Clipper 5 Header |
CH | OS/2 configuration file |
CH3 | Harvard Graphics 3.0 Chart |
CH4 | Charisma 4.0 Presentation |
CHD | FontChameleon Font descriptor |
CHF | pcAnywhere remote control file |
CHI | ChiWriter Document |
CHK | WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file |
CHK | File fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or ScanDisk |
CHL | Configuration History Log |
CHM | Compiled HTML file |
CHN | Ethnograph Data file |
CHP | Ventura Publisher Chapter file |
CHR | Character Sets (Borland) |
CHT | Harvard Graphics Vector file |
CHT | ChartMaster dBase Interface file |
CHT | ChartViewer file |
CIF | Easy CD Creator image |
CIF | pcAnywhere caller file |
CIF | CalTech Intermediate Graphic |
CIL | Clip Gallery download package file |
CIM | Sim City 2000 file |
CIN | Kodak Cineon Bitmap file |
CIX | TCU Turbo C Utilities Database Index |
CK1 | iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 data |
CK2 | iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 data |
CK3 | iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 data |
CK4 | iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 data |
CK5 | iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 data |
CK6 | iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 data |
CKB | Borland C++ Keyboard mapping file |
CKF | Casio Keyboard File |
CL | Generic LISP Source code |
CL3 | Layout file (Adaptec Easy CD Creator) |
CLASS | Java class |
CLC | TI-83 Plus Flash Debugger file |
CLG | Windows Catalog file |
CLL | Cricket Software Clicker File |
CLO | Cloe Image |
CLP | Quattro Pro Clip art |
CLP | Clipper 5 Compiler Script |
CLP | Windows Clipboard |
CLR | PhotStyler Color defintion |
CLR | 1st Reader Binary color screen image |
CLS | C++ Class Definition |
CLS | Visual Basic Class Module |
CLX | Macro ToolsWorks Macro file |
CLX | Rational XDE file |
CLX | Adobe file |
CM | Craftman Data |
CMA | Database file in plain text format (APPLIX TM1) |
CMD | DOS CP/M command file |
CMD | dBase-II program file |
CMD | 1st Reader External Command Menu |
CMD | Command file for Windows NT (similar to a DOS .BAT file), OS/2 |
CMF | Corel Metafile |
CMF | Creative Music File |
CMG | Chessmaster saved game |
CMK | Card Shop Plus file |
CMM | CEnvi Batch file |
CMP | Address document |
CMP | CorelDRAW 4.0 Postscript Printer Header |
CMP | Route 66 Address Document |
CMP | Microsoft Word for DOS User dictionary |
CMP | JPEG Bitmap |
CMR | MediaPlayer Movie |
CMV | Corel Move animation |
CMX | Corel Presentation Exchange image |
CMYK | Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black bytes file |
CNC | Click 'N Create General Program data |
CNF | Configuration file used by Telnet, Windows, and other applications with varying internal formats |
CNM | Windows application menu options and setup file |
CNQ | Compuworks Design Shop file |
CNT | Windows (or other) system content files for the help index and other purposes |
CNV | WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file |
CNV | Conversion files (WS_FTP Pro) files that will be converted from (Example) "HTML-"HTM" for upload |
CNV | Word for Windows Data conversion support file |
COB | COBOL Source code |
COB | trueSpace 2 object |
COD | FORTRAN Compiled code |
COD | dBase Application Generator Template source file |
COD | Video Text file |
COD | Microsoft C compiler output as displayable machine language/assembler with original C as comments |
COE | Xilinx coefficient |
COL | Microsoft Multiplan Spreadsheet |
COL | AutoDesk Animator Color Palette |
COM | Command file (program) |
CON | Simdir Configuration file |
CP | CryptoPad.NET Encrypted document |
CP8 | CP8 256 Gray Scale image |
CPD | Fax Cover document |
CPD | Complaints Desk Script |
CPD | Corel PrintOffice file (drawing) |
CPE | Fax Cover document |
CPF | The Complete Fax (Fax file) |
CPF | CORDIS CPF Editor Contract Preparation Form Submission File |
CPF | Color palette file |
CPH | Image file (Corel Print House) see CPO |
CPI | ColorLab Processed Image bitmap |
CPI | Microsoft MS-DOS code page information |
CPJ | CeQuadrant CD Project |
CPL | Compel Presentation |
CPL | Corel color palette |
CPL | Control Panel Module |
CPM | Turbo Pascal DOS file |
CPMZ | Used to exchange project data between Miradi and ConPro |
CPO | Image file (Corel Print Office) |
CPP | CA-Cricket Presents presentation |
CPP | C++ Source code |
CPR | Corel Presents presentation |
CPS | Coloured postscript |
CPS | Central Point PC Tools Backup |
CPS | Corel Photo House image file |
CPT | Macintosh Compressed Archive |
CPT | dBase Encrypted Memo |
CPT | CA-Cricket Presents Template |
CPT | Corel Photo-Paint image |
CPX | Corel Presentation Exchange compressed drawing |
CPY | Data file (Copy Books) |
CPY | eCopy Desktop or eCopy Paperworks document file |
CPZ | COMPOZ Music Text |
CRC | Cyclical Redundancy Check checksum file |
CRC | Circular reference file (Pro/Engineer) |
CRD | Microsoft Windows 3.x Cardfile |
CRD | Text file used for guitar chords, tablature and lyrics |
CRF | Zortech C++ cross-reference |
CRH | Image file (Microsoft Golf) |
CRP | Visual dBASE custom report |
CRP | dBase IV Encrypted database |
CRP | Corel Presents run-time presentation |
CRS | WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows File Conversion resource |
CRT | Oracle Terminal settings information |
CRT | Crontab file) |
CRT | Certificate file |
CRU | CRUSH Compressed archive |
CS1 | Sinar CaptureShop raw file for Macintosh |
CS16 | Sinar CaptureShop raw file for Macintosh |
CS4 | Sinar CaptureShop raw file for Macintosh |
CSA | Comma deliminated text |
CSC | Corel script file |
CSG | Statistica/w Graph file |
CSH | C shell script files (Hamilton Labs) |
CSM | Script file (Kodak Dc265 Camera) |
CSM | Borland C++ 4.5 Precompiled header |
CSO | Customer service data and outcome file |
CSP | PC Emcee On-Screen image |
CSS | Statistica/w Datasheet |
CSS | Stats+ Datafile |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheet (MIME) |
CST | Macromedia Director "Cast" (resource) file |
CSV | CompuShow Adjusted EGA/VGA Palette |
CSV | Comma-separated values file |
CT | A graphic file associated with the Paint Shop Pro Graphic Editor |
CT | Scitex CT bitmap |
CT | Cheat Engine data file for game cheats |
CTB | AutoCAD Color-dependent Plot Style Table |
CTC | PC Installer Control |
CTF | Symphony Character code translation
D2D | 2D/3D object file (3-D Fassade Plus) |
D64 | Commodore 64 emulator disk image |
DAA | PowerISO Direct-Access-Archive |
DAF | Digital Anchor data file, a secure database file for the Digital Anchor Database Engine |
DAO | Windows Registry Backup |
DAP | Data access page (Microsoft Access 2000) |
DAR | DVD Architect File |
DAT | A data file extension used to designate an error message in a inbound internet email message (Microsoft Exchange Server v 5.0) |
DAT | WordPerfect Merge Data |
DAT | Extension used for some MPEG files |
DAT | Yahoo Messenger archive file |
DAT | Data file |
DB | Microsoft Access database file |
DBC | Microsoft's Visual FoxPro database container file |
DBC | Database Connect Descriptor File |
DBF | Enable database (can be opened with Excel 97) |
DBF | Oracle 8.1.x tablespace file |
DBF | A dBASE file, a format originated by Ashton-Tate, but understood by Act!, Clipper,FoxPro, Arago, Wordtech, xBase, and similar database ordatabase-related products. |
DBK | Schematic backup file (Orcad Schematic Capture) |
DBK | dBase Database Backup |
DBK | mobile phone backup files generated by Sony Ericsson PC Suite |
DBO | Compiled program file (dBase IV) |
DBQ | Paradox Memo |
DBS | Microsoft Word printer description file |
DBS | PRODAS data file |
DBS | SQL Windows database |
DBS | Managing Your Money data file |
DBT | dBase Text Memo |
DBV | Memo field file (Flexfile 2) |
DBW | Microsoft Windows 9.x Database file (DataBoss) |
DBX | Outlook Express mail folder |
DBX | Microsoft's Visual FoxPro Table file |
DBX | DataBeam image |
DC | CAD file (DesignCAD) |
DC2 | CAD file (DesignCAD) |
DC5 | DataCAD Drawing |
DCA | Visual Basic Active designer cache |
DCA | Document Content Architecture Text file (IBM DisplayWrite) |
DCF | DRM content format |
DCF | Primus-DCF file |
DCIM | Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (image and data) |
DCL | AutoCAD Dialog Control Language Description file |
DCM | DCM module |
DCP | Data CodePage (OS/2) |
DCR | Shockwave file |
DCS | Bitmap Graphics (Quark XPress) |
DCS | Datafile (ACT! Activity file) |
DCS | Desktop Color Separation file |
DCT | Database Dictionary file (Clarion Database Developer) |
DCT | Database SpellCheck Dictionary (Harvard Graphics 3.0-Symphony) |
DCT | Microsoft's Visual FoxPro database container file |
DCU | Delphi compiled unit |
DCX | Fax image (based on PCX) |
DCX | Macro file |
DCX | Bitmap Graphics file (Multipage PCX) |
DCX | Microsoft's Visual FoxPro database container file |
DD | Compressed Archive (Macintosh DISKDOUBLER) |
DDB | Bitmap Graphics file |
DDF | Btrieve or Xtrieve Data Definition File |
DDI | Image File (DISKDUPE) |
DDIF | Digital Equipment or Compaq file. Used for storing images and their word processing documents |
DDP | Device Driver Profile (OS/2) |
DEB | Debug Script (DOS Debug) |
DEF | Define Module file (3-D Fassade Plus) |
DEF | C++ definition file |
DEF | Assembly Header file (Geoworks) |
DEF | SmartWare II data |
DEFI | Oracle 7 de-install script |
DEM | A file with USGS standards for Digital Elevation Models (Vista Pro) |
DEM | Graphics file (Vista Pro) |
DEM | Demo file (Descent) |
DEP | Visual Basic Setup Wizard Dependency file |
DER | Certificate file |
DEV | Device Driver |
DEWF | Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit recorded instrument file |
DEZ | Encrypted zip file (DES Encryption) |
DFD | Data Flow Diagram Graphic (Prosa) |
DFI | Outline Font description (Digifont) |
DFL | Default Program Settings (Signature) |
DFM | Data Flow Diagram model (Prosa) |
DFS | Sound File (Delight) |
DFV | Printing Form value (Microsoft Word) |
DGN | Microstation95 CAD drawing |
DGN | Bentley Systems drawing file |
DGS | Diagnostics Report |
DH | Dependency Information file (Geoworks) |
DHP | Graphic file (Dr. Halo II-III PIC Format) |
DHS | Shadowgrounds Savegame File |
DHT | Datafile (Gauss) |
DIA | Microsoft Sharepoint temporary file |
DIB | Device-independent bitmap |
DIC | Dictionary file (Lotus Notes, Domino) |
DIC | Dictionary file |
DICM | Digital imaging and communications in medicine file (DICOM) |
DIF | Database file (VisiCalc) |
DIF | Data Interchange Output file |
DIF | Text file (Output from Data Interchange Format) |
DIF | Data Interchange Format spreadsheet |
DIG | Sound Designer I audio |
DIG | Digilink file |
DIP | Graphics file |
DIR | Dialing Directory (ProComm Plus) |
DIR | Directory (VAX) (DEC) |
DIR | Movie (MacroMind Director 4.x) |
DIR | Macromedia Director file |
DIS | Distribution file (VAX Mail) |
DIS | Thesaurus file (CorelDraw) |
DIS | Ray Tracer file |
DIZ | Description file (Description in ZIP) |
DJS | NASCAR Thunder game music file |
DJS | Data Junction Integration map |
DJVU | DjVu compressed image file |
DKB | Graphics file (Ray Traced DKBTrace) |
DL | Image |
DLD | Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3) |
DLG | C++ Dialogue Script |
DLL | Export/Import Filter (CorelDraw) |
DLL | Dynamic-link library file |
DLS | Interactive music architecture (IMA)(Microsoft),(Blood2) |
DLS | Setup file (Norton DiskLock) |
DLS | Downloadable sound |
DMD | Visual dBASE data module |
DMF | X-Trakker music module (MOD) |
DMF | Packed Amiga disk image |
DMG | Macintosh disk image file (copy of contents of a hard disk or CD) |
DMO | Demo file (Derive) |
DMP | Dump file (Screen or Memory) |
DMS | Compressed Archive (Amiga DISKMASHER) |
DOB | Visual Basic User document |
DOC | WordStar document |
DOC | WordPerfect document |
DOC | Microsoft Word document |
DOC | DisplayWrite document |
DOC | Document format (Interleaf) |
DOC | FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document |
DOG | Screen Saver file (Laughing Dog Screen Saver) |
DOH | Dependency Information file (Geoworks) |
DOS | Network Driver file (PKT_DIS.dos) |
DOS | Text file (DOS) |
DOS | External Command file (1st Reader) |
DOT | Line-Type definition (CorelDraw) |
DOT | Word Document Template (Microsoft Word for Windows) |
DOX | Text file (MultiMate 4.x) |
DOX | User document binary form (Visual Basic) |
DOZ | Description out of Zip (VENDINFO) |
DP | Datafile (DataPhile) |
DP | Calendar file (Daily Planner) |
DPL | Borland Delphi 3 packed library |
DPR | Project header (Borland C++) |
DPT | Publication file (Publish-It!) |
DR9 | Directory file |
DRA | Dragon NaturallySpeaking file |
DRAW | Acorn's object-based vector image |
DRC | Design rules check report file (Orcad Schematic Capture) |
DRG | Motion Software Dyno2000 Car Design |
DRG | VLBI and Tied Array Drudge Tasking Document |
DRG | AllyCAD file |
DRS | Display Resource file (WordPerfect for Windows) |
DRV | Device Driver (Required to make a device function) |
DRV | Driver file |
DRW | Lotus Freelance image |
DRW | Micrografx vector graphics file |
DRW | Pro/E drawing |
DRW | Caddie CAD drawing |
DS4 | Vector Graphics (Micrografx) |
DS4 | Micrografx Designer Image |
DSC | Discard file (Oracle) |
DSD | Database file (DataShaper) |
DSF | Micrografx Designer v7.x file |
DSG | DooM saved game |
DSK | Driver file (Novell Netware) |
DSK | Project Desktop file (Borland C++/Turbo Pascal) |
DSM | Digital Sound Module (DSI) |
DSM | Music module file (DSIK) |
DSM | Dynamic Studio music module (MOD) |
DSN | Design (Object System Designer) |
DSN | Schematic file (Orcad Schematic Capture) |
DSN | ODBC Data source |
DSP | Display parameters (Signature) |
DSP | Graphics Display driver Dr. Halo) |
DSP | Microsoft Developer Studio project |
DSQ | Corel QUERY |
DSR | Driver Resource (WordPerfect for Windows) |
DSR | Visual Basic Active designer file |
DSS | Digital Sound file (Digital Soup)) |
DSS | Screensaver file (DCC) |
DST | Distribution file (PC-RDist, by Pyzzo) |
DST | Embroidery machines graphic file |
DSW | Microsoft Developer Studio workspace file |
DSW | Desktop settings (Borland C++ 4.5) |
DSX | Visual Basic Active designer binary file |
DT_ | Data file fork (Macintosh) |
DTA | Datafile (Turbo C++) |
DTA | World Bank's STARS data |
DTA | Data file (EZ-Forms) |
DTD | |SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file |
DTED | Digital terrain elevation data (geographic data format) |
DTF | Symantec Q&A relational database |
DTF | Database file (PFS-Questions & Answers) |
DTF | Database file for ACDSee |
DTM | Module file (DigiTrakker) |
DTP | Text Document (Timeworks Publisher 3.x) |
DTP | Template file (Pressworks) |
DTP | Desktop layout file (Publish-iT) |
DUN | Microsoft Dial-up Networking Export file |
DUP | Duplicate Backup |
DUS | Readiris font dictionary |
DV | Digital video (MIME) |
DVC | Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3) |
DVF | Graphics file associated with camcorders (DV Studio) |
DVI | Device Independent Document (TeX) (LaTeX) |
DVP | Device parameter file (AutoCAD) |
DVP | Desqview Program information (DESQview) |
DW2 | Drawing file (DesignCAD for Windows) |
DWC | Compressed Archive (DWC) |
DWD | DiamondWare digitized file |
DWF | Drawing Web file (Microsoft WHIP autoCAD reader) |
DWF | Vector graphic (Autodesk) |
DWG | AutoCAD drawing, or older Generic CAD drawing file |
DWG | AutoCAD Drawing |
DWH | Express Tools log file |
DWI | Stepfile format for Dance Dance Revolution simulator |
DWP | Document file (DeScribe) |
DWS | Workspace file (Dyadic) |
DWT | Dreamweaver Web Page Template |
DX | Digital Electric Corporation (DEC) Data exchange file |
DXB | AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format file |
DXF | Drawing Interchange Format (AutoCAD) |
DXF | Data Exchange File |
DXF | Drawing Interchange (eXchange) format,a text representation of the binary DWG format |
DXN | Fax document (Fujitsu dexNet) |
DXR | Macromedia Director protected (not editable) movie file |
DYN | Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3) |
| |
BLB | Resource archive (DreamWorks),(Neverhood) |
BLB | BLOB file used with various database software |
BLD | BASIC Bloadable picture file |
BLEND | Data file for Blender 3D modeling suite. |
BLK | WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file |
BLK | Alias Wavefront Image |
BM | Windows system Bitmap |
BM1 | Apogee BioMenace data |
BMA | Song format used by Beatmania emulators |
BMF | Corel Gallery file |
BMF | Binary Material File |
BMK | Windows Help bookmark |
BMP | Windows or OS/2 bitmap |
BN | Instrument bank file (AdLib) |
BNK | Instrument Bank file (AdLib) |
BNK | Sound effects bank file (Electronic Arts) |
BOL | Compressed archive library file (Microsoft Booasm.arc) |
BOM | Bill of materials file |
BOO | Microsoft Booasm.arc Compressed archive |
BOOK | Adobe FrameMaker Book |
BOX | Lotus Notes file |
BPC | Business Plan Toolkit Chart |
BPL | Borland Delphi 4 packed library |
BPS | Microsoft Works Document |
BPT | CorelDraw Bitmap fills file |
BPX | Truevision Targa Bitmap |
BQY | BrioQuery file |
BR | Bridge Script |
BR0 | PrintMaster graphics file |
BRD | Eagle Layout file |
BRK | Brooktrout Fax-Mail file |
BRW | Application file associated with financial institution(s) loan applications |
BRX | A file for browsing an index of multimedia options |
BRZ | DbBRZ file for very large Db backup or restore |
BS_ | Microsoft Bookshelf Find Menu shell extension |
BS1 | Apogee Blake Stone data file |
BSA | BSARC Compressed archive |
BSA | Data file used with Bethesda games |
BSC | Fortran Pwbrmake Object |
BSC | MS Developer Studio (MSDev) browser information |
BSC | Apple II Compressed archive |
BSP | Quake map file |
BTM | Batch file used by Norton Utilities |
BTR | Database file (Btrieve 5.1) |
BUD | Backup disk for Quicken |
BUG | Bugs and Problems file |
BUN | CakeWalk Audio Bundle (a MIDI program) |
BUP | Backup |
BUT | Buttons! Button definition |
BUY | Movie data file |
BV1 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 1 |
BV2 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 2 |
BV3 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 3 |
BV4 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 4 |
BV5 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 5 |
BV6 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 6 |
BV7 | Wordperfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 7 |
BV8 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 8 |
BV9 | WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 9 |
BW | Silicon Graphics Raw red,green and blue bytes file |
BW | SGI Black and White image file |
BWB | Visual Baler Spreadsheet application |
BWR | Kermit Beware buglist |
BWV | Business Wave file |
BYU | BYU Movie |
BZ | Bzip compressed file (Inix) |
BZ2 | Bzip compressed file (Unix) (replaces Bz)
E | Amiga E Source Code file |
E | EiffelStudio Source File |
E00 | Coverage export file (ArcInfo) |
EASM | SolidWorks eDrawing Electronic Assembly Data File |
EBJ | Error Checking Object file (Geoworks) |
ECW | VECTOR structured graphics files |
ECW | RASTER structured graphics |
ECW | Compressed image files for aerial and satellite map projections |
ED5 | EDMICS image |
ED6 | EDMICS image |
EDA | Ensoniq ASR disk image |
EDB | ROOTS3 Geneological data file |
EDD | Element Definition document (FrameMaker+SGML documents) |
EDE | Ensoniq EPS disk image |
EDK | Ensoniq KT disk image |
EDQ | Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 disk image |
EDS | Ensoniq SQ80 disk image |
EDT | Default settings (VAX Edt editor) |
EDV | Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image |
EEB | Button Bar for Equation editor (WordPerfect for Windows) |
EFA | Ensoniq ASR file |
EFE | Ensoniq EPS file |
EFK | Ensoniq KT file |
EFQ | Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file |
EFS | Ensoniq SQ80 file |
EFT | High Resolution Screen Font (ChiWriter) |
EFV | Ensoniq VFX-SD file |
EFX | Fax document (Efax Reader) |
EFX | Fax Document (Everex EFax) |
EGA | EGA Display font (Ventura Publisher) |
EGM | Bentley Systems drawing file |
EL | Lisp Source code (eMacs) |
ELC | eMac Lisp Source code (byte-compiled) |
ELM | Theme-Pack file for (Microsoft FrontPage) |
ELT | Event List Text file (Prosa) |
EMAIL | Microsoft Outlook Express mail message (save to desktop, scan for viruses, then convert to an EML file before opening) |
EMB | Embedded bank File (Everest) |
EMD | ABT Extended MoDule |
EMF | Enhanced Windows Metafile |
EML | Microsoft Outlook Express mail message (MIME RFC 822) |
EMS | Enhanced Menu System Configuration file (PC Tools) |
EMU | Terminal Emulation Data file (BITCOM) |
EMZ | Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile, a graphic format used in Office and Visio |
ENC | Video file |
ENC | Encoded file (UUENCODEd File, Lotus 1-2-3) |
ENC | Music file (Encore) |
END | Arrow-Head Definition Table (CorelDraw) |
ENFF | Neutral Format |
ENG | Chart Graphics file (EnerGraphics) |
ENG | Dictionary Engine file (Sprint) |
ENV | Environment file (WordPerfect for Windows) |
ENV | Enveloper Macro (WOPR) |
ENV | Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat reader files |
EPD | Publication file (Express Publisher) |
EPHTML | Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML |
EPI | Document file (Express Publisher) |
EPRT | SolidWorkseDrawing CAD file |
EPS | Printer font (Epson, Xerox, Ventura Publisher) |
EPS | Encapsulated Postscript image file |
EPS | Encapsulated Postscript Vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator) |
EPS2 | Adobe Level II Encapsulated Postscript |
EPSF | Encapsulated PostScript |
EPSI | Adobe Encapsulated Postscript Interchange |
EQN | Equation file (WordPerfect for Windows) |
ER1 | ERWin file |
ERD | Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file (Prosa) |
ERM | Entity Relationship Diagram Model file (Prosa) |
ERR | Compilation error file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro) |
ERR | stored error message file |
ERX | ERWin file |
ESH | Extended Shell Batch file (DOS) |
ESL | Distributable support library file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro) |
ESPS | ESPS audio file |
EST | Interactive Cost Estimating 2000 file |
ESU | ESRI Single Use License Information file |
ET | EasiTeach document |
ETH | Document file (Ethnograph 3.x) |
ETX | Structure Enhanced text (SetText) |
EUI | Ensoniq ESP family compacted disk image |
EVT | Event Log (Microsoft Windows NT, 2000) |
EVY | Document (WordPerfect for Windows Envoy) |
EWD | Text Document (Express Publisher for Windows) |
EWL | Microsoft Encarta document |
EX3 | Device Driver file (Harvard Graphics 3.x) |
EXC | Source Code file (Rexx VM/CMS) |
EXC | Exclude file for Optimize (do not process, QEMM) |
EXC | Microsoft Word Exclusion Dictionary file |
EXE | Executable file (program) |
EXP | Saved chat (ICQ) |
EXP | Exported files format |
EXT | ASCII binary transfer file (WS_FTP PRO) (IPSWITCH Software) |
EXT | Extension file (Norton Commander) |
EXT2 | Second extended file system (Linux) |
EXT3 | Third extended file system (Linux) |
EZP | Compressed file (Edify.zip) (Edify Electronic Workforce Backup Utility
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